Back To School Books From Amazon

We love reading to the girls every single day! Right now we are reading a lot of back to school books because we are trying to prepare Kennedy for her first day of school. I thought I would share some of the books we are reading and what we like about each of them. All of these are from Amazon!

“Hello School!,” by Priscilla Burris

I love this book because it not only introduces all the typical school day activities to the reader, but it also introduces the idea of classmates to the reader. Each member of the class in this book has a speech bubble and they share their own unique thoughts about each activity throughout the school day. This book provides a great opportunity for you and your little to talk about how everyone in their class will like doing all sorts of different things and we celebrate that!

“Spot Loves School,” by Eric Hill

This book follows a beloved and popular children’s book character, Spot, on his first day of school! He does all the typical school activities, like singing songs and playing outside, so it allows your little to read about what they might experience when they go to school for the first time. I also love all the Spot books by Eric Hill because they are filled with sight words that will help your student develop their foundational reading skills.

“Time For School Mouse!,” by Laura Numeroff

Everyone’s favorite mouse is up to it again, but this time he is getting ready to leave for school and he can’t find any of his supplies – including is homework! This is a funny tale but it also provides to perfect opportunity to talk to your child about the importance of staying organized and prepared during the school year.

“The Night Before Preschool,” by Natasha Wing

This cute book plays off the Christmas classic “Twas The Night Before Christmas,” but it’s about all the things that happen the night before going to preschool. I can’t wait to read this to Kenny at bedtime before her first day. Natasha Wing also wrote “The Night Before Kindergarten,” “The Night Before First Grade” and “The Night Before Second Grade” if your little is starting one of those grades this year!

“First Day Jitters,” by Julie Danneberg

This book is perfect for any little one that is a little nervous about starting a new school year. Sarah, the main character, asks herself all the typical questions one does when starting something new. So it offers a great opportunity to talk about these questions with your child while reading this story to gather!

“Butterflies On The First Day Of School,” by Annie Silvestro

This is another great book for anyone that is little anxious about their first day of school. Rosie is the main character is she is super excited to start school, that is until the morning of her first day – that’s when the butterflies kick in! I really like this one because the main character has a little sister just like Kennedy!

Let me know the books that you love reading with your kids to get them excited about the upcoming school year!

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  1. Darcie

    We love all the mouse books in our house. I was so excited to see that there is an If you Give a Mouse a Cookie cartoon series on Amazon Prime! Llama Llama Misses Mama is a good book, too!

  2. My daughter just started preschool (she’s 2.5) and besides books, we also talked to her about how she would do certain things at school. Like when we ate lunch we’d explain that at school she’s going to sit at a table with her friends and use a lunch box. This got her excited for all the new things she’d be doing! Hope Kennedy has a great year!
