HAPPY THANKSGIVING, you guys!! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it’s truly about reflecting on your life, feeling grateful and spending time with your family and loved ones. This Thanksgiving is a little different this year, as my father-in-law passed away less than two weeks ago after a five-month-long battle with pancreatic cancer. To be really honest with you guys, these have been some of the hardest months of my life. Chris moved down to South Carolina permanently to be his dad’s caretaker, and I visited as often as I could, sometimes staying down there for weeks at a time while I “pretended” to the outside world that everything in my life was fine. We (and especially Chris) are just now beginning to start the grieving process, because even if you know death is imminent, you really can’t begin to grieve until it actually happens.
One of the only positive things that came from this experience is that, since Chris and I were living apart for five months, we really cherished the time we did have together. Every moment, every hug, every day we got to be together seemed momentous and special. It made me realize how often we take the good things in our life for granted. Even something “small” like simply waking up next to your husband in the morning.
This Thanksgiving has brought a fresh perspective. I am thankful, from the very bottom of my heart, for so many things. For Mike, my father-in-law, for being a second dad to me and for raising such an incredible son. For my marriage, because despite the hardships, we are stronger than ever; for Chris’s sister Jen, my family, and my friends for being our support system (shoutout to Krista who even flew from New York to be with us at the funeral). And to you guys. When I opened up to you all on Instagram, the outpouring of love and support was truly overwhelming. I had tears streaming down my face while reading your comments, texts and direct messages. So many of you have had your lives affected by cancer, and you are not alone.
I encourage you to squeeze the people you love extra hard today. Don’t take a single person for granted. Wishing you all a beautiful Thanksgiving.
(P.S. Yes there will still be a giveaway today – stay tuned to my Instastories for details!)
Happy thanksgiving to your family!
Happy thanksgiving! You have an amazing work ethic to continue to work and put on a happy face despite this, it must be really really hard and the last thing you want to do. Just know your readers appreciate you and your content.
Happy Thanksgiving to you. I love your pictures! I am so sorry for your loss. It’s never easy, especially around the holidays. I lost my dad 6 days before Thanksgiving and had the funeral the day before Thanksgiving. That was 18 years ago and I still feel the pain. But it is important to remember the good times, to be thankful for the time you had with them, and that, while you never fully get over the loss, the pain becomes less intense with passing time. I am so thankful for you! I “found” you about 2 years ago. I was looking for advice on how to improve my style. (You have great taste! I wish I lived closer to you bc I would want to hire you as my personal stylist and home decorator! Can you come out to San Diego and please help me??😉). I love your blog. Every day I literally wake up and “have coffee” with you before I get ready to go to work. Keep up the good work, stay strong and God bless you all. Happy Thanksgiving!
So sorry for your loss. 🙁
I am so very sorry for your and especially Chris’ loss. I’ve lost two people in my immediate family to pancreatic cancer, one last year, and one 14 years ago today. It is a horrible cancer for all involved. Praying for you as you begin the grieving process.
Happy Thanksgiving!! You are truly an inspiration to me!! This is a very different Thanksgiving for me as well because its the first one I’m spending away from home! Because of college athletics here in NY, I was unable to go home and enjoy the time with my family, my boyfriend, and his family in Chicago. Everyone made sure to call me and let me know they are thinking about me but the McDonalds I had for my dinner was just no comparison to the turkey I have always loved cooking with my mom all day. I love your blogs and I’m so happy you are with your family and Chris on this special day! I can’t wait to be home for Christmas and see my family and all your Christmas posts of COURSE 🙂
Those firsts without your loved one are hard- birthdays, hiolidays…sending lots of love to you and your husband.
So lovely!
Anniversary Gift Ideas To Make Better Relationship
Beautifully written ❤️
Sorry for your loss and prayers 🙏, and happy Thanksgiving
Sending you and your loved ones all the best wishes, Caitlin. This post was so honest and raw, I both, of course feel very sorry for your loss and also admire your strenght so much. Having a sick family member is awful, and I applaud everyone that actually becomes their caretaker, as that is the most difficult task. I speak from experience, so I can actually say that I maybe get a tiny bit of what you are going through and I just wanted to say that, over time, the pain will become less, even though it does not feel like it right now. You are just so strong and amazing for keeping up with your job on such a professional level. Sending you lots of love.
xx Janine
I’m not a blogger but I understand about needing to present a different story. As hard as that is, some things are best handled privately because the constant questions and attention complicate everything, even if it’s all well intended. I am so sorry for your loss. You all are good people. 💛
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m so sorry for your loss. Even harder at the Holidays. I pray that you guys had a nice day despite the sadness and can find joy in the midst of darkness. Praying for you guys!
So very sorry for your loss. Cancer is a dreadful disease that affects far too many. Praying for you, your husband and his family. Remember the good times and memories.
I am very sorry for your loss. Sending hugs to You, Chris and Your Families from Pennsylvania.
Your blog has inspired me.
My grandfather and passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2012 and it was the hardest loss I’ve ever had to deal with. With time things get easier. I will keep you and your family I’m my prayers. All the best to you and your family, Caitlin. I’m so sorry for your loss.
You and your family have been in my prayers since I saw your Instagram post. Be assured of my continued prayers and support during this holiday season.
This post gave me all the feels. Bless you ❤️
where did you get the scarf?:-) thanks!!
I am sorry for your loss. Love to you and your family
I am sorry for the loss of your father-in-law. My heart goes out to you and Chris and your family.
Oh Caitlin, I’m SO sorry for your and Chris’s loss. I lost my dad to cancer 11 years ago so I know the pain all too well. Your readers/followers love and appreciate you so please know that you don’t have to put up a front. You can go off the grid if you chose to and I know many of us who have lost a loved one or are dealing with a similar situation wouldn’t be upset. Rather, we’d understand, love you guys from afar, and give you the room you need. That’s real support. I hope you remember that on days you feel obligated to post when you don’t feel like it, to remember that you’re human. It’s okay to stop and grieve . Praying for you both during this holiday season. xo
She Sweats Diamonds
I’m so very sorry to hear about the pain your family has been going through. Wishing you and Chris peace.