pajamas all day tee // Target leopard pants (similar here, two piece set here) // “i love you a latte” mug
Good morning, friends! I’m doing something a little different on the blog today and sharing my fall morning routine. First, I have a confession to make: I’m not a morning person. At all! I wouldn’t exactly say I’m grumpy in the mornings, but it seriously takes me forever to wake up and feel like a human being. I do my best work at night, so many nights I’m up until midnight or later answering emails, working on blog posts, and getting stuff done. However, I’ve been trying to change up my routine lately by going to bed earlier and, thus, waking up earlier. Here’s what a typical morning working from home looks like for me:
7:15 am: Alarm goes off (& I hit snooze, of course!)
7:30 am: I’m finally awake. I usually lay in bed for five to ten minutes on my phone catching up on emails, social media and reading a short devotional. Since I schedule my blog posts, I use this time to make sure my post went up – & I usually proofread it again.
7:45 am: The first thing I do in the mornings is pour a glass of water and drink it all. If I have fresh lemon in the fridge, I’ll squeeze some in. Water is so important to your health, and especially your skin! Next I’ll make coffee with my Keurig machine. (Coffee is almost as important to me as water – haha!) I like sweet coffee, so my coffee usually consists of half coffee and half creamer! (Okay not really, but a lot of creamer haha) My favorite creamer for the fall is “french vanilla.”
7:50 am: I’m starting to feel alive (thank you, caffeine!) I’m usually starving in the mornings, so after the coffee is made I start on breakfast. I really like having oatmeal in the fall and winter, there’s something about it that’s so warm and comforting. Lately I’m hooked on this chocolate chip cookie dough oatmeal I found at Target. It’s actually amazing and pretty healthy too!
8:00 am: Eat breakfast & plan my day! I love to curl up on the couch with my oatmeal and coffee. I usually turn on Good Morning America (or Kelly and Michael if it’s later in the morning) and relax for a few minutes. Then I go through my planner and see what I have coming up for the day and week. This Kate Spade planner is my life saver… it helps me stay organized. In a separate notebook, I write down a list of things that need to get done that day, in order of priority. This helps me set the tone for the day.
8:30 am: At this point, I either head to a workout class (I’m addicted to Pure Barre right now) or I take a shower and get ready for the day. Before I shower, I love turning on music & lighting candles throughout the house. My favorite candle right now is this Pumpkin Spiced Cheesecake from Bath & Body Works.
8:45 am: In the fall and winter, I like to use moisturizing products in the shower because my skin can get really dry. This shower cream is the best for keeping my skin moisturized! If I have extra time in the morning, I’ll use this deep conditioning mask on my hair – I mean it when I say this product works wonders! It always leaves my hair softer and visibly shinier. After showering, I use this moisturizer on my face. It is a little pricier than most moisturizers but it’s great for sensitive skin! If I’m not taking blog photos that day, I don’t wear makeup. I love letting my skin breathe.
9:30/10:00 am: The fun part – getting dressed! I usually lay out clothes on my bed until I find a combination I like. I typically don’t plan out my outfits ahead of time, I simply get dressed based on how I’m feeling that morning.
I would love to hear what a typical morning looks like for y’all! Do you eat breakfast first thing? Do you use a miracle product on your skin? Let me know in the comments!
I loved this post!! I am always so curious abouthow others get up and are productive with their day. I am not a morning person either, and I don't do breakfast. Since I am in vet school, usually i head into Class around 8 or if i have a farm trip then there. Breakfast is usually a snack at around 11 and in the form of a salad or chocolate bar! There is no in between haha. Thanks for sharing, would love to see more posts like these
I do something so similar. I usually have to sit and usually i have breakfast for the first half hour to get fully awake!
Ah, I loved reading this! It's nice to see a day in the life
x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina
It's intriguing to read what you get up to in the morning. I eat breakfast after showering and getting dressed. And I try to plan my outfit the night before, but I usually only iron it that morning lol.
My morning is typically getting ready as quickly as possible (while still looking cute) and out the door. I have to leave by 7:30 and I usually was up until midnight, so I try to get those last few minutes of sleep. I grab my breakfast to go and eat it and lunch at my desk.
Cute! I need that planner:P
Shall We Sasa
Love this post! Would love to see more like this
I'm all about warm breakfasts during fall and winter
Lately I've been obsessed with maple cream of wheat!
P.S. Your side tables are adorable!
XX, Amanda
I usually like eating breakfast when I'm getting dressed and putting on my makeup! Just so that I save time
xx, Diane ||
Needing those pajama pants! Love!
x Sarah
Love this post! I am the same way when it comes to getting dressed in the mornings – if I plan out my outfit the night before, I change my mind in the morning and wear something else!
Stylin' Iowan Blog
Love this! I have to try that cookie dough oatmeal!
I loved this post! It is so amazing to see a little glimpse of your life and I love how real you are!
Have a lovely day //
Loved this post! Keep 'em coming
I love this! Unfortunately my morning routine is about 15 minutes during the week since I have to be in an office at 8 and I wake up at 7:10 haha!
Kim .. FAST fall makeup & fall leather!
I always love reading routine posts and I loved seeing yours. Mine is pretty similar except I get up a little later and usually have my planner at ready to help me out.
Jackie | fashionxfairytale |
Fun post!! My morning routine really depends on my work schedule. You have a lovely home too!
I love the pjs all day shirt!
Her Heartland Soul
I begin my morning routine by having a cup of water and some healthy mini muffins, then sip on some hot tea while I watch Youtube and check my social media (back in bed or in the sofa). Then I'll shower and get ready.
I just saw this shirt yesterday and fell in love because that's exactly how I feel on the weekends! I think it would be really interesting to do more posts like this, like your day or night – to see more about how your blogging day goes. Do you have meetings, do you have particular times you do outfit photos, etc. It always really interests me! I also always have a glass of water first thing in the morning after taking my dog out, it helps to start wake me up and I know it's good for my skin!
I loved this! You seem like you start the day off on the right foot, it seems you have a very relaxing morning which is something I need to start doing for myself.
XO Janina
I love this post! It is so nice to see the "behind the scenes" blog stuff, it makes it so easy to connect! Thanks for sharing!
Sara Kate Styling
I love when people post their routines! I wasn't a morning person until I started doing my workouts before work & now am converted! I cherish that quiet time early in the morning even though sometimes I have to still hit snooze a few times ; )
Yes, I'm a Good Morning America watcher, too!!
Oatmeal for breakfast is my go to!
Ha my morning is a lot different- 5:45 alarm, quickly get ready and head on to work! But I definitely always have water and coffee in the morning!
C's Collection |
I really enjoyed your routine post and all the different products you use. I was curious if this is a weekend routine or a weekday routine?
This just gave me inspiration to write my Morning Routine, I've been wanting to for a while now but didn't think it would be much, but I love this post!!
– Ashlee Michelle
I love reading people's morning routines and I am addicted to workout classes to!
Cute! I love all the pillows on your bed!
Abbie E.
Such a relaxing wake up routine. I gotta have my coffee in the mornings, too!
You look so comfy and cute!! Love that you outlined what products you use!
I feel you with not being a morning person! I definitely get my best work done at night & am typically wide awake, but sometimes that makes getting up more difficult! Loved reading about your morning & I definitely need to try that hair mask!
The Blush Blonde
This is such a fun peek into your morning!
alarm at 5:20
shower by 5:30
get dressed, and put on make up…drink water
5:55 waffles in the toaster for my son,and make myself a quick tea or coffee and peanut butter toast
6:00 wake my son
6:02 finish making lunches and take my Nordic Naturals fish oils
6:10 Dry my hair, touch uptake up
6:25 Pack my bag, grab my computer, and head out the door!
6:50 arrive at my job as a 6th grade teacher
Your morning sounds similar to mine, Monica.
5:00- I am awakened by my co-sleeping toddler kicking me in the face.
5:30- After snuggling with said toddler, even though he kicked me in the face, we get up.
5:35- Make coffee, feed the dog, get toddler changed and set up with Cheerios.
5:45- Pour my cup of coffee (lots of cream, NO sugar) and drink it while puttering around the house.
6:00-6:30- Put off dressing myself and the toddler.
6:30- Get toddler's pants and socks on.
6:40- Get toddler's shirt on.
6:45- Put toddler's socks back on.
6:46- Get myself dressed and made-up (I have a 5-minute full face routine down pat now!).
7:05- Out the door to daycare drop-off and work.
love this post. I want to decorate my house all cute like yours now lol<3
Love this! I wish I didn't have to rush off to work at 6:45am so I could be as organized as you!
Loved this post, and I too would like to see more like it (like what you do when you plan a quiet evening in, or a spa day, etc.). I am not a morning person, so constantly hit snooze, but your post inspired me to get up earlier so I have some time to myself before heading to work. I'm going to try it — and the lemon water too!
I love your morning routine! Your Kate Spade planner is so cute! I have a similar one
XO, Jillian
I always try to drink a glass of water when I get up as well. I'm not always as good at it as I should be though. Breakfast is a must for me, but I usually wait an hour or so before I make something otherwise I'll be starving by lunch time! By the way, I absolutely love your home decor!
Brittany |
That oatmeal and that hair mask sound amazing! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
I can't go without breakfast and coffee! Perfect start to the day. I love the Clarin's moisturiser – really light and fresh and smells beautiful too.
My morning is nowhere near as relaxing as this, call me jealous! Sounds so nice for the fall and winter months! I typically get up 20 mins before I have to be out the door for work…oops!
Laura Aime Vous
I love these type of posts-I'm with you about the coffee thing, I love mine sweet & lots of creamer is a must! I like the "sweet cream" kind
xoox, SS
The Southern Stylista
love hearing about your morning routine.
Oh boy do our days look a lot different because of having a baby haha!
This is great! Thanks for sharing
I generally start my morning with 2 cups of coffee followed by breakfast! This is followed by a deep clean on my face before I apply makeup!
xx Kathryn
I love your routine – mine is similar…..except I cannot get out of bed that early! That pumpkin cheesecake candle is pretty amazing!
Great photos & post. I love your bedroom- it looks so cozy!
Blonde in Cashmere
I always love routine posts! Sadly, I have to be in the office at 8a (although I am routinely 10 minutes late because I have to stop for coffee!). I'm also OBSESSED with Pure Barre. I live in Charlotte, too. Which one do you go to? I go to Ballantyne right now but I'm going to try out Southpark when it opens next month!
I love 'routine' posts, especially yours! Maybe you can do a night time routine soon? Love your blog
Love this! It is so fun hearing what other people's days look like!
That sounds so relaxing! I'm usually just stumbling through trying to make it out the door in time for work!
Love this kind of post from you!
Ah! I love the new scents from Bath & Body Works this year. Once that runs out, you should get the Buttercream Icing one! Very cute post!
Thanks for posting wonderful information must say you have nice routine celebrity snapchat usernames