Summer Sippers

I can’t keep secrets from you guys. I have a rather strange fetish, if you will.

I’m a little, teensy bit obsessed with cups.

Yes, I said cups.

Water bottles, mugs, saucers, glassware, pitchers, wine glasses, tumblers… if it’s a cup, I’m probably obsessed with it (Well, if it’s cute, that is).

And since today is the first day of summer, what better way to celebrate than by sipping icy cold lemonade out of a cute cup!

Maybe you’ll understand a little where I’m coming from when I show you these… my favorite summer sippers for this season!

 Click on the above image to get a closer look at my favorite cups!

1. Straw tumbler, Target, $11.99 for a set of six
2. Monagrammed tumbler, Tervis Tumbler, $25
3. Water goblet, Target, $31.99 for a set of four
4. Aladdin To-Go Tumbler, Target, $10.39
5. Bubbly Daisy Saucer, Kate Spade, $80 for a pair
6. Cup and Saucer, Kate Spade, $30
7. Helianthus Goblet, Anthropologie, $8
8. Recycled Glass Juice Pitcher, World Market, $12.99

Doesn’t this make you happy? Or am I the only one?

Oh and I think this song was made for me (Hint – it’s about cups).

I actually have this song on my iPod (I know, I know, but isn’t it catchy??).

My cup, my cup. More of a friend than a silly pup, my cup. 

Okay, I’m done singing to myself now.

So, what’s the verdict? Am I crazy? Or do you love cups as much as I do?

Happy first day of summer, everyone!

Love, Cait

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  1. This post is too cute! I love it because I feel the same way. I love cups (and plates and flatware as well). My tervis tumbler and monogrammed Marley Lilly tumbler are my favorites for on-the-go.

    I love the Bubbly Daisy Saucer. So cute!


  2. This is SO awesome!! Ahh so stoked you found my blog so I could find yours WAY to cute! I actually have the purple cup! Bt mine is clear 🙁 lame. your awesome. xoxo

  3. Your writing is so fun to read! This reminds me of my 17 year old brother who buys himself special cups that are 'his' and if anyone uses them they are trouble! Hahah not that you're like that. Cute ideas for entertaining!! Love it.

  4. So funny that you posted this!! I was rinsing out dishes tonight and dern if I didn't have tumblers!! My favorite is my bride tervis tumbler 🙂

  5. I absolutely love my Tervis Tumblers! They are my favorite! 🙂

  6. Monogrammed Tervis Tumblers are the best! And I'm really liking those Target water tumblers, too!

  7. Heheh, maybe a little crazy, but I like it! You should check out Home Goods–when I was in their last they had the CUTEST plastic pitcher and cup sets for summer. I came so close to buying a set that had octopuses (octoppi?) all over it!

  8. This is definately not crazy at all. A girl simply cannot have enough cups. i personally love the Tervis Tumblers and the goblets from Target, but they really are all super cute options.

  9. Some friends from Texas (my home state) visited me last summer here in France, and as a present, they brought me really cool cups with a bunch of Texas stuff on them. They are my prized possession, so yeah, I totally get the cup thing.
    And, I would LOVE a set of the monogrammed cups 🙂

  10. No, you are not the only one 🙂 Cute!
    xx Marie

  11. I am with you! These makes me very happy. If I go into my cabinet and I don't have a clean Tervis Tumbler I am not happy…

  12. I'm a Tervis Tumbler fan too! I also have enjoyed my Lilly cups. I'm ridiculously obsessed with collecting koozies too! Ahh!

  13. Hahaha this post is too cute 🙂 I have a mini fetish for coffee cups and travel mugs!! I love finding cute mugs to take with me to work, and I love getting cute coffee cups for the house (or bring to work, too!). My best friend got me a really cute cup with a Bible verse about friends on it for my birthday and I love it. So no, you're not crazy at all 😉

  14. I'm a huge Tervis Tumbler fan especially if they have a monogram on them! 🙂 And I love your obsession with cups! Too cute and quirky!

  15. I love cups! You should have seen my apartment last year-4 sorority girls. We had enough cups for an army! Love your picks!

  16. No, you aren't crazy at all…these cups are adorable…and my goodness, gracious….they are GREAT prices too! Thanks for sharing….this was a awesome post.

  17. ok the kate spade cup is ADORABLE obvi

  18. I love all cups too! This is a great post- fun and chic and so girly! Hope your doing well girl!

  19. Hahaha, you're great. I do enjoy cups! Got a pair of tumblers just the other day that have how to make classic drinks on it (they even say pour to here). Awesome, I know.

    Happy hump day!

  20. SO CUTE! I love cups as well! & Anything Brittany sings on glee is a favorite of mine! <3

  21. awww too cute! I think after reading this post I might have a new addiction too. =)

  22. Love these cups, so fun!

    btw – just became your 100th follower! 🙂

  23. I love cups too. I right now have a collection of all different mugs. I love that goblet from Anthropologie. Cute Post

  24. I love cups too, even when I am out to eat I usually get a to-go cup haha. I agree, the Marley Lilly Monogram cup is awesome!!!

  25. Cups make me happy too 🙂 Especially the monogrammed tumblers!!

  26. Love that you included the glee song- too funny! 🙂 And I agree- fun drinking cups are the best. I like the to-go cups with straws like #4 that are gaining popularity everywhere it seems!

  27. I think it's pretty amazing to drink something tasty out of an incredible cup. I can understand this fetish completely!

  28. hahaha. the song is hilarious! 🙂 I like 'em too, but we love collecting them from places we go!

  29. I love pitchers and cups and I'm all the sudden into flower vases as well ha. The blue ones are so pretty!

    -Cris xoxo
