Toddler Must-Haves

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I thought I’d put together a blog post on Kennedy’s “must have” items at the moment. For reference, she is 16 months old, but a lot of these items she has used since 12 months, and I foresee her using them for a lot longer! You by no means NEED these items, but I do think they’re wonderful items and Kennedy loves them as well.

Slumberpod // Okay we all know that sleep is IMPORTANT! And not only for your baby, but for your mental health, too! The Slumperpod was really a game-changer for getting Kennedy to go to sleep and stay asleep longer while we are traveling. So what exactly is it? It’s a privacy canopy that you can place anywhere, even your brightly light hotel room, and it provides complete darkness so your baby can sleep peacefully! Note that you still need your own pack-and-play or crib, and the Slumberpod goes over top of it. Like I said, when we first got this it was a complete game-changer and I now bring it on every single trip with us! It’s especially nice if you’re sharing a hotel room with your babe, because they can sleep and you can still have the light on or the blinds open. We make sure to have her sound machine nearby, too.

Baby Headphones // These baby headphones have been another amazing item for traveling. Kennedy used these on our flights to and from both Florida and Nantucket, and it allows her to watch her iPad on the airplane without disturbing other passengers. They are the perfect size to fit her head, but they are adjustable so they can get bigger as she grows. They also have volume control, so you can trust that the volume won’t be turned up on accident and hurt your little one’s eardrums! I don’t know what we would have done without these on our flights.

See Kai Run Shoes // I had a lot of trouble finding shoes for Kennedy once she started walking. Either they did not come in a small enough size for Kennedy’s foot, or the sole of the shoe was too flat and she couldn’t walk in them. Enter: See Kai Run. They are the PERFECT shoe for little walkers! We started out with the tennis shoes and now she has five or six pairs, including the sandals too. The sole is a little curved, which makes it easier for her to walk in, and they come in small enough sizes for her tiny foot. For reference, Kennedy wears a size 3!

Tripp Trapp High Chair // This high chair has really grown with Kennedy and has been a staple for every meal in our household. She has used it since she was only 6 months old just beginning to eat, and I know she will use it for years to come! The Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair is made from solid beechwood and water-based paint, and is manufactured in Europe and free of BPA and phthalates. It’s very easy to wipe down after mealtimes and the tray is also removable for easy washing.

Hair bows // Having a girl is so much fun when their hair is long enough to “style” – lol! These are our favorite bows (from amazon). They look so cute in Kennedy’s hair and I find that I am always reaching for the white one since it matches so many of the clothes in her closet.

Doona Tricycle // The Doona Trike is an awesome substitute for a traditional stroller and allows your child to be more engaged with their surroundings. This is another item that ages with your child – it eventually turns into a real tricycle with working pedals (when your toddler is ready). For now, we have the pedals locked and we steer it! I will say that Kennedy LOVES this trike and has so much fun on our walks throughout the neighborhood. It’s also ideal for traveling because your babe can ride on it through the airport, and then it folds up really small and fits nicely into the overhead compartment of the airplane.

Toddler Camera // This is one toy that Kennedy really loves! This toddler camera is nearly indestructible and is a true, working digital camera. Kennedy doesn’t necessarily understand that it’s a camera yet, but she loves turning it on, clicking the shutter and all of the buttons. It’s small enough to throw into a purse or diaper bag for on-the-go entertainment.

Straw Cups // These are the BEST cups! We have a few from this particular brand (one stainless steel set and one glass set). Not only are they easy for toddlers to use, but they’re nontoxic, too! The straw is made of silicone and nice and big, and they’re also lightweight enough for Kennedy to hold herself. The set comes with two different lids for each cup, one straw lid and one air-tight storage lid. We have used the storage lid to pack blueberries and cucumbers for on-the-go snacking. I highly recommend them!

Snack Container // This snack container is another great product. All mamas know how messy toddlers can be, and this snack container prevents a lot of mess by allowing their little hands to grab a snack without spilling the rest. You can literally turn this thing upside down and the snacks don’t fall out! (If you’re using big enough snacks, lol, we use it for puffs!). This snack container is another great item to use while traveling – we used it on the airplane so that Kennedy’s puffs didn’t fall out all over the airplane floor.

Counter protector // This counter protector has come in handy so many times. We use it on our kitchen counter in front of Kennedy’s learning tower, but I also pack it every time we go out to eat. You never know if the restaurant tabletop is truly clean, so this allows a nice, clean surface for your babe to eat from. Plus, it’s beautiful too!

If you’re a toddler mama and have any “must-have” items, please let us all know in the comments!


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  1. Kennedy has the most beautiful blue eyes! She is getting so big, too! I don’t have kids but it seems like the products you featured would be great for parents of toddlers. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Leah

    These are great gift ideas… thanks!

  3. Emm

    Hi there, where is Kennedy’s learning tower from?
