
I thought I’d do a little life update!

After a TOUGH week last week, I decided to take it easy on Friday – my body needed rest, and I was able to sleep until 2 pm! (I NEVER sleep that late). Friday night was my sorority’s first degree of initiation for the new girls, and we all celebrated afterwards by throwing a party at one of the seniors’ houses.

This picture was taken before we left – I curled my hair with a curling iron and YEP, that is a romper.

Saturday it was back to work for me! I even skipped the football game to get lunch at Cafe Carolina and do work with one of my best friends. But somehow I managed to come back from studying with a new pair of ivory elephant earrings…

From Scout & Molly’s

Sunday… shot footage for a video project…

Monday… had class all day, but I did remember to take an OOTD on my way out this morning!

I must’ve been seriously concentrating on taking this picture.. I look pretty mad! I’m not, I promise 🙂

Tonight I have some articles to write and then I plan on taking it easy and watching Bachelor Pad with all my roommates! I’m thinking about doing some baking, too… and I’m feeling either muffins or some kind of pumpkin bread. We’ll see how it goes.

Hope everyone had a great start to the week!

Love, Cait

P.S. I’m planning some fun posts for this week so stay tuned!

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  1. Sounds like you have been busy! Hope your week is off to a great start!

  2. You've been a busy girl! But I'm glad you're enjoying yourself 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    busy busy! that outfit is too cute. love that top!

  4. You look darling in that romper lady!

  5. Busy busy is right… I LOVE the romper! One of those things I've always wanted to pull off but will forever be too scared to try, haha.

  6. Love the romper!! Hope you have a great week, girl.

  7. Love those earrings! Can't wait to see what you pair them with!

  8. Wow, you sound busy! The romper and the elephant earrings are both super cute. 🙂

  9. love the earrings!

  10. Such a cute outfit, Caitlin! Hope things are going well 🙂

  11. I'm a big Mollybeads fan!!!

  12. I love the romper, Catilin! Hehe!
